Thursday, November 5, 2009

Lower your cholesterol naturally

This is one thing that can send many people into a complete frenzy. No one needs one more thing on their plate to worry about and hearing the news from your doctor that your in the "danger zone" can completely ruin your day. There is an option if you want to try lowering it naturally without the use of medication.
Apple Cider Vinegar is a great all natural way to lower your cholesterol. Apple Cider Vinegar has many health benefits but this is a big one! You can choose to incorporate it any way you want to but i recommend you put 1 -2 tablespoons in a glass of water and take it twice a day. Another option would be to add some to your tea or juice in the morning. If your really brave you can take a straight up shot of the stuff, however, doing this creates a strong acid in your stomach and diluting it is much safer for your esophagus.
Apple Cider also is great for acne, strengthening your immune system, helps with detox, and promotes a healthy heart and lungs. Some people have even used this to help them loose weight. The vinegar is an appetite suppressor and fat burner if taken before meals in a glass of water.

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