Thursday, November 2, 2017

Content always trumps calories

I get asked often how many calories do the smoothies have in them? While I do think health is key I have to emphasize that content always is more important then counting calories. I think sometimes we can get too focused on counting calories but not enough on what ingredients are in those specific calories we are consuming. 
Let us look at some information here below:
When we focus on nutritional value instead of calories, we make smarter, healthier choices.  A diet rich in whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, and whole grains contain naturally occurring nutrients that our bodies recognize as good, healthy forms of energy.
How can you evaluate the nutritional value of a product instead of focusing on calories? Ask yourself the following questions next time you take a snack break or sit down for a meal:
  • Is this food processed? A processed food is commercially prepared to have a long shelf life with no need for preparation. The nasty ingredients in these products is long and most of the time can be genetically modified.  While a processed bag of chips might be lower in calories than an avocado, the avocado packs a powerful punch of healthy monounsaturated fats, vitamin C, and dietary fiber, and is the healthier choice.
  • Am I eating too much added sugar? Added sugars do not provide any additional nutritional value to your diet.
  • What colors are my foods? A vibrant food palette is a healthy one, as long as you are focusing on unprocessed ingredients.
  • How does this food make me feel? Do you feel energized? Is your stomach settled? Or do you feel groggy and maybe even have a headache? Pay attention to these side effects from food. 
  • Am I allowing enough variety in my diet? Variety is the key to a well-rounded diet. No single food supplies all the necessary nutrients you need for the day. credit-
When you take the time to evaluate the nutritional value of your food and the ingredients in those foods; rather than focusing solely on calories, you will find yourself making more informed decisions about your diet and healthier choices. 
 Some interesting facts here on our smoothies. All of them less then 300, and most of them less then 175 however I share this not because I feel this is worth focusing on but because I have had multiple customers ask me about calorie content and thought I would share.
Calories in our Smoothies- 
140 calories
215 calories
136 calories
152 calories
290 calories 

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